
By KCNQ2Haiku

Zebra Boy

Quick homemade t-shirt 
and silly hat.. transforms him
into Zebra Boy!

World Animal Day at school, Ben was very happy to participate :-)
He had his play therapy session and although it took three members of staff to bring him to my car, he was remarkably good on the way home, kind of zoned out, listening to music and looking out of the window. I kept having to sneak a peek around, to check he was still awake.
Blood sugars have been high at school but he's had a bucket load of insulin now he's home and it seems to be settling.  
I've had a pootly, non-interesting job sort of day: washing; cleaning; cooking; tip run.  
Ben wants to get our old Nintendo Wii out now, so wish me luck.  Mr KCNQ2Haiku helpfully suggested to me this morning that I should turn it on and check it was working whilst Ben was at school to reduce any anxiety during the 'set-up'.  I wholeheartedly agreed and then completely forgot :-( So I guess I only have myself to blame if it goes awry ... :-/

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