
By NightOwl45

Torrential Rain Tuesday

Doing my Blip early today as I’m feeling tired and my body’s telling me I won’t be feeling like writing it later in the day.

It’s torrential rain here today. Strangely, my fibromyalgia pain levels are low but my fatigue levels are high. So unpredictable!

Did my daily German revision lesson on Duolingo this morning, currently working my way through “Travel”. Continuing to really enjoy it. It gives me a small goal every day. 

I honed my poetry competition entry for about ten minutes or so - feeling much happier with it today.

I’m going to stay in bed, read my book and hopefully sleep this afternoon, try and recharge my energy somehow, although it never seems to happen with fibro! I keep trying though.

Today’s Blip photo is a small selection of my “to read” pile. Three of the books in the photo I got for next to nothing in The Works in town as it was closing down - sad to see it go. I liked to rummage through the books and the prices were competitive.

I hope you’re all having a terrific Tuesday and that the weather where you are is less wet and wild! :)

Thank you for all your follows, hearts, stars and comments. I will catch up with them ASAP xx

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