Leaf it owt!

8 BLIPPING YEARS?! How did that happen? :-D

The first year I succeeded with a blip a day, the last 7 not so much. Beginning at the start of a new year and the year I would celebrate my 50th, I’d estimate around 10 months of missed blips over the course of 7 years as another birthday approaches imminently.

But the big thank you goes to all you lovely people who take the time to leave comments and sprinkle stars.  I really, really do appreciate it from the world’s worst blipper. I lack creativity with words and photos , as a teacher may say ~ must try harder.

I was unaware a blip day was approaching until I was back blipping and got a reminder.  A little walk with Ruby and 8 leaves , 2 conkers collected and this is the best you get :-D)))

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