
By Leslabelle

Silly sausage!

Unbelievably busy at work today.
Had a headache on and off too plus a few twinges of the old toothache.

Gonna have to start having some 'me' time and start looking after myself better. I'm totally run down. The big diet starts next week so I know I always feel much better physcally while i'm doing that strict regime.

A walk in the rain and wind after work with Bailey cleared my head marginally but I still dozed off in front of the telly for a couple of hours meaning my trip to Asda ended up being a late night jaunt.

I see these in the Polish section of the supermarket every time i'm in and have always liked their plump shinyness. Not sure what they are..........cheese?, meat?, pate? who knows but they make for an interesting midnight shopping blip.

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