Another Gorgeous Day!

This is Portland's early fall weather at its best....warm in the afternoon, cool at night, and gorgeous blue skies. 

I was wide awake at 3:15 am last night....tried to force myself back asleep and maybe dozed for a half hour. Gave up at 6:00 am. Tonight for sure, eh?

I worked on the botanical garden all morning - great stuff happened while I was gone. Hopefully I'll be able to share good news soon!

I did some puttering around though, including a stroll through the garden. I have an orthopedist appointment this afternoon - time for a knee replacement sadly. But it's followed by a massage during which I will undoubtedly take a nap. So an early posting today.

The dahlias are in their glory in this weather, and this beauty is no exception. Can you spot the anomaly in this photo? I'll tell you why tomorrow.

Have a lovely rest of your day!

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