A soft return to work after the boys had headed out to school (although only one of them arrived; Tom decided his manflu was worth the day off - it's not CV, he tested -ve)
So my half day was whittled away by IT issues but I've enough done to ensure a day's bike riding work for tomorrow.
Then off on the 47 to town to rescue Loki from the not-having-a-good-day-Her. Round the Meadows we went; back for some light reading and then another lap; with her this time, too. And a bonus afternoon tea at Soderburgh (never been before) before I set to with smoked mackeral pate and fish tacos for dinner.
Universally Challenged followed by finally getting the Trek home and the first proper ride on it for about a year. Now I just need to get the funds together to get the Giant up to scratch.
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