Homeward Bound

We left No 2 son around 9 am and I was sad to leave him after such a lovely holiday.  We stopped at Oxford Services on the M40 to have a coffee with Santana's son, C.  He was working nearby and had time to meet us.  Lovely to catch up with him, too.  He is hoping to move soon and things are a bit tense with the exchange/completion!  Good luck with that.

We continued home and I was so delighted to see 'THE LAKES' - not the best photo but I so love that sign*  Home.  Great to be back after a lovely holiday.

We met our new neighbours this evening - they moved in last week and it's the first chance we have had to meet them.  A young couple which will be nice.

Now that I am home and have wifi again I'll be back to commenting on your lovely photos.

* Santana was driving!

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