'Surveillance Duty'...
...Well, I had intended to blip something old and historical for you - but alas, this Black Kite (Milvas Migrans) appeared in one of the gum trees, well up high, just sitting there on surveillance duty I thought..
It had previously been gliding around the trees with its mate or parent, and creating havoc amongst many species below, some escaping to the bamboo stand nearby and others flitting from tree to tree.
But Black Kite settled there in one of the trees, above us - just for me I'd like to say - as I was hopeless getting him on the wing..at a distance, yes - I could do that - but that wasn't good enough for me - (I'll get him yet!) ...
...And so here he is, having a good look around, with its/mate or/parent, doing a few laps high above and returning nearby out of range..
Black Kites are very common throughout Australia and many other countries and are often confused with Black Falcons..
Anyway, instead of something from the Past today - we have Black Kite..I hope you won't mind...plenty of Past Times yet to blip, but not one of these, resting, obviously showing it's importance - to all around - even to me...
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