Wine,Women & Song

By CelloNerd

How to put a Rocket in your pocket

Here's one of my favorite establishments - Rocket Donuts - located at one of the coolest intersections anywhere (and I've stood at many an intersection in my time).

I actually don't indulge in donuts very often, but the "deep fried yeast pastries" offered up super fresh at Rocket were calling to me this morning, especially since I had just run a quick errand at the nearby post office.

Rich and I were like kids in a candy shop making our donut selections (maple bar, plain glazed, and a chocolate old-fashioned) when I spotted it - the Mother of all donuts. A donut the size of my head. I had to have it, even if only for the photo opp!

Not too surprisingly, within just a few minutes, little remained of our donut purchase except for a few crumbs and sprinkles. Fortified with enough sugar and caffeine to fuel an army, I tried to sit still and get some work done.

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