Surrounded By "Soft"ness

Today I hate to admit i am in bed with a bad head cold! Not much stops me in my tracks as my sis anniemay well knows! I woke thinking "how am I going to find soft today??" Doh! bunged up nose and bad head! here I am in bed and surrounded by softness! My kind and gentle soft natured hubby dosing me with love and hot drinks & meds for the head cold (we won't mention the "Glen 20 kills all germs spray" if I had been a fly i would be break dancing on the floor by now!) so here I am with my head on my soft pillow wrapped in my soft doona looking at my chair of SOFT TOYS, not all mine exactly, the 3 down the centre were our 3 children's soft toys amongst others they had, these were saved! they sat on their beds before they all flew the nest, the big soft one at the back was my daughters the floppy eared bunny under him was our youngest sons the bunny holding the heart was our middle sons( they are all over 30 years old now) the rest of the soft toys are from them given to me either birthday, mums day or just "best mum" given to me with chocs or flowers, there they all sit a chair full of softness and stories to match each and everyone. Aaaaatissue!!bless me!

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