
Got up before dawn to head to this heated Lido which was not heated after all. It was empty when we arrived soon after dawn, and we queued alongside a large group of elderly ladies and gentleman who clearly knew each other well as they greeted and teased and laughed.

The cheery lifeguard told us that it was probably 19 degrees in. Lovely we all thought. Ha. It was unexpectedly freezing, and another cheery old soul happily told us they’d turned the heating off a few days ago. It was really really cold. Face ache cold.

The 6 of us rewarded ourselves with an unexpectedly lovely and cheap Wetherspoon’s breakfast, headed home and it still felt like the whole day was ahead.

Elbows and I went to a Wedding Fayre, which was unexpectedly fairly rubbish as there wasn’t much there. The one caterer had some lovely nibbles though. Yay.

And after a little bit of cajoling, I managed to get Elbows to commit to going out and we went to the Everyman Cinema with its sofas and waiters to watch the George Clooney & Julia Roberts film. It was an unexpected treat with unexpectedly lovely fodder and topped with an unexpected meet with old friends in the foyer.

So the day had lots of unexpected bits to it.

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