Harvest Sunday
We were at our Birmingham Vineyard Church this morning for Harvest Sunday.
Our church, like many others, collects for Food banks throughout the year.
Today’s talk about giving mentioned several key areas, given how the economy is going at the moment.
Not just giving financially, but giving of our time to others, being aware of others needs, however that may look to individuals.
Plenty of food for thought to unpack.
Awhile ago when I was in the middle of an extremely stressful situation, I received a little package in the post.
It was 3 Teapigs camomile tea sachets, with a beautifully written note. The person who sent it has two small children, (her husband left her several years ago). She has to work full time to try and make ends meet,
not having a large salary.
But she had time to encourage me with her open heartedness and generosity of spirit.
After lunch we went for a long walk in Sutton Park.
It has been a very mild day and hardly any wind. On our way to one of the park entrances we pass through a private estate. Along the pavements in places were lots and lots of beautiful shiny conkers, which had fallen from some of the very tall horse chestnut trees.
I took the photo as we reached Keepers Pool.
The smell of autumn is now very evident under the tree canopies.
Decaying leaves and large fungi.
At the moment I am writing this in my favourite place in the summerhouse.
The sun has just broken through a gap in the white cloud cover. Patches of blue have appeared.
I’ve included a photo of some of the fungi in extras.
We are having our dinner this evening.
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