One of these days...
Work in progress.
Gaffer got the whip out and the bit twixt her teeth recently. I think these last couple of days were summer this year, clouds most of the day and "Mizle" most of the evening.
Prior to that, ? 90% of the shed got roofed, the "Patio" (Which, being me, I pronounce "PASHO", as in NATIOn) got a severe coat of looking at and several masses of weeds got their come-uppance. NOT a vast amount today ... Out for eggs, in to Cranston's, thence to Morrison's, a gallop down town meat hunting, out to T W Relph for the last, under-calculated, sheet of Onduline.
She decided the next trip was to be out to Hazel Dene for various odikins and sodikins.
NOT a celluloid cat in hell's chance. There had been some kind of Hoo Hah on the East-bound clickety-click (A66), we joined the queue halfway along the double carriageway section and, when we topped the rise before Llama Karma we could see the queue extending, so far as we knew, all the way to geordie-land.
Plan B...Let's have a brew @ Llama and see if it's any better.
HAH! Fat chance.
Ten times no better. Homeward. The queue was now back to, and cluttering up, the round-about. I later tried to get to B&Q©. There was a Q almost from the centre of town trying to get onto the A66 at the Kemplay top. The A6 Northbound was queued back through Eamont Bridgeway back when we decide it would be quicker to come back from TW Relph via Pooley Bridge than queue to get onto the A66 About FACE! back home, rockall on the news and, curiously as we were coming home from Llama I did a swift eyes left, Fire Station appeared to have a full complement. I'll maybe find the road clear tomorrow, I did hear the radio saying it was clear, but slow.
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