pebble underneath my feet

By anjali

i'm going through an awkward phase

It's so good that it's finally the weekend...

School was good. We discussed Michael Gove's proposal for the longer school day/shorter holiday in literacy. As much as I think Gove is the biggest moron to say anything about education, I did try and stay very unbiased about this when discussing it with the children. I had a list of pros and cons and everything. However, by lunchtime, my class had made little banners with "Down with Gove!" and had even made up little anti-Gove chants with pom poms included. Bloody brilliant.

After school, I went to the pub with a few people from school. This is the wall in hopscotch that I'm a big fan of. The bright colours always make me really happy.

Later on, I went to the Sylvan post in Forest Hill, which used to be the old post office. Very, very cool pub. I will most definitely be going back soon - maybe Sunday?

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