Breezy (Day 2703)

I got on with a bunch of household chores this morning while  my beautiful wife zoomed off to a short shift at work.
When she came back, and despite a fairly poor weather forecast, we headed through to Stromness. The plan was to move the horses and maybe get out a ride. We got them moved to their normal field, and since it was still reasonable weather got out on George and Jeeps. The wind yesterday has left the sea quite bumpy and, after assessing the wave size and lack of sand, George decided a gallop on the beach was not going to be possible today. We had a fun ride out anyway, with a lot of cantering and other jolly japes, and getting caught in a very heavy shower didn't dampen our spirits too much.
Back at the field we got totally drookit putting hay out for the herd. Typically the sun came out as we were heading home.
Back home for a late lunch then out with Sigyn for a wander. It looked like it would rain again so I wore all my waterproof gear, ensuring that it stayed dry and too warm for me.
Back home HV got herself organised and zoomed off for an evening with friends, leaving me to the important job of snoozing on the couch.

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