The cutting garden

Well, hardly. I just went and picked 50% of the flowers left in the garden.

Rosie is all of a bother limping again, I rang the vets to get new anti inflammatories, they decided they wanted to see her. As I knew v well, all her joints are working perfectly, that will be £69 please.

After such an unexpectedly expensive start to the day, I set forth on my planned wander round the Worthing shops with slightly less enthusiasm. Got bored quite quickly but did manage to get Will woolly socks and long johns for his upcoming glacier walking.

Cut everything out to make a new bag, started sewing, instantly made a big mistake that will now need further cutting out. Realised I was actually v weary so abandoned to tomorrow, picked some flowers, made pizzas and sat on the sofa.

And I have bought a lottery ticket. All will be well.

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