BCAM: it’s pink October again!
This is the first day in October and we celebrate the month of the Rosary and Our Lady and of course BCAM. Breast cancer awareness.
I like to join those who put pink into all this month’s shots to remind us of BCAM. Please could you click on this link and then on the pink bar: "Click to give - It's free!" This is to help towards funding mammograms for people who can't afford them and don't have the NHS we have.
The statue is one my cousin in America gave me. It’s from Quimper in Brittany. I treasure it!
The expected members of the family arrived safely last night. Three of them left early to see round Manchester university and Ro left for the football, with a friend. He will meet A who is at Liverpool Uni and bring him back. So eldest son’s family will be complete! J is with me today and doing homework. So good to have her here!
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