The Gulag

OK, stupid title and a blah blip day. This is a hydro power station on the Adda River along where I typically ride my road bike at lunch time. This little place is off the main road and I have only ventured here once before and never on the nice bicycle today as it is all dirt and gravel. Only today, I was desperate for something 'different' and remembered this place. The water was broiling after all the rain in the last few days. I'm not really sure of the need for the shacks on top of the hydro works and reminds me something military and sinister. So muddy skinny tires and all, I made the blip. ...give me a little credit?!

I was expecting more response from yesterday's avalanche photo. You guys just don't know great photography!!! lol :)

Looking at the picture again, I guess one really doesn't sense the size and massive forces at work. It was a big avalanche - even if set off by man. Amazing to see that it reached the ski trail which makes me a bit nervous... and more so seeing that somebody had poached the closed slope before the detonation.

Great end of season ski day in any case. We started the day at near freezing and by the end of the day was nearly t-shirt weather and surfing the lower slopes in shallow washed out and skidded turns. I have a great tomato skin face after forgetting the sunscreen. A bit of suffering today is all in the bag and in the name of having Fun!!!

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