Normandy Day 21

We were due back from holiday 1st October but had a message from Condor (Ferry company) a couple of days ago to say the sailings were under review due to bad weather. We may not have got back till Sunday …. however we were updated late today to say they’d put on an early sailing tomorrow to miss the bad weather later in morning. The ferry was leaving at 7am (French time) 6am Guernsey time and check in at 5.30! We were 2 hours away and it was 7.30pm when we arrived back at the B&B after our day out. We packed up our things and gave up on our night at the B&B to drive to St Malo in the dark! We arrived at 9.45pm! We slept in the Camper on the dock along with 4 other motorhomes and were up at 5 (4 Guernsey time). Earlier in the day we visited St Lo and walked around the ramparts and gardens then visited the church as we like to do! These hedges were very unusual and well trimmed! A good last day at the end of a wonderful holiday!

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