Autumn Butterfly

Thank you, dear blippers, for your wishes and comments on yesterday’s entry. Munni (the cat) seems to be feeling better already. She’s been devouring lots of soft food and liquid treats today, after a rather difficult night. I didn’t get much sleep, as she came to my bed again and again, in need of reassurance and comfort. 

In the afternoon I drove to my mother’s house, to say goodbye to her carer M who’s leaving us tonight to go back to Poland. 

After coffee with the ladies, I went for a walk in the forest. I took a few pictures of the parts of the forest (or lack of it) where we used to pick mushrooms for many years. It’s mostly dead and gone now, with dead spruce trees crisscrossing the former footpath, and the ground that used to be mossy and soft is now overgrown with brambles. 
But I decided not to blip a sad photo of dead trees, but rather this pretty red admiral butterfly on one of the logs, basking in the afternoon sunshine. A rather more cheerful start to this long weekend. 

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