
By MrsFred

Iron girl.....

Amy came back from the fracture clinic today with this contraption....the doctor is concerned that the break will heal badly unless its held in a particular bent position. This is due to one of the breaks being across the bit of the finger that grows.....she has to go back weekly to get it bent more each time, she was understandably in a lot of pain bless her while this was going on, but a brave soldier, didn't cry or anything....I'm just happy it's not being treated as a patch up job like Nathan's arm was, it would be nice if my kids could break something other than their joints that then cause deformities!!!
The worst news for her was definitely NO FOOTBALL for at least 4 weeks.....especially now we're nearly at the end of the league season and advancing in the cup.....not good news, but her hand comes first I'm afraid!!!

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