The Abstract Thursday theme today is 'filters' .  My blip is a shot of the back garden taken through a heavy ribbed beer glass.  The orange parts are my fingers.  Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting.

Spent most of today at home doing nothing much - but I did do some washing and hoovering so the day wasn't wasted.

Slimming Club this evening.  No lift tonight as Michelle was working late.  Very quiet in Group tonight - only 7 members stayed after getting weighed.  I was pleased to lose 3 pounds - and I was " Slimmer Of The Week".   I popped to the Co-op after Group as its just round the corner from the Church Hall.

21 years ago today my husband Douglas passed away.  It was quite unexpected and a shock to all of us.  I was  50 years old. Becky was nearly 19 and was studying at college.  Neil was 17 and in 6th form working towards his A Level exams.  Im pleased to say Becky got her diploma and Neil gained 3 A Levels and got a place at Newcastle Uni.  And Im proud of what they have achieved in their lives.  Both happily married, working and taking after their Dad in their running exploits.  And of course Becky has a daughter of her own now. My life obviously had to change drastically.  When you are a couple and one half suddenly isn't there any more it takes a lot of adjustment.  I coped with the grief plus all the practical things that needed to be changed.  I slowly got used to my new life and I'm doing OK. And there are lots of happy memories to look back on.  Ive added a collage as an Extra.

Steps today 9.456

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