Dutch Skies

By RonBuist


We're away together with the family. Just the five of us for a very special family weekend. Those who know us, will know why this is special. We're at the Efteling, where we have rented a cabin for the weekend, leaving on Monday. After arrival, the girls started exploring and they found this little dam. To me, this photo shows what this weekend is all about: doing stuff together. They're sisters and even though they seem to dislike eachother with a passion at times, at the end of the day they are together and will always help eachother where needed.

We went into the actual theme park when most visitors were already leaving, enabling us to roam around for an hour without that many people in the park. Tomorrow, we will be there all day and there will be lots more to explore. After a nice dinner, the girls are in bed now and Martine and I will hopefully be able to enjoy a quiet evening. Together, of course.

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