Field margin

Achingly beautiful light this morning when the dog and I walked first thing. Everything in crisp colour with a long range depth of field.  

I had to walk  off the overnight shock of a show that we’ve been developing for two years, with a young writer, which was effectively greenlit in the spring,  suddenly being cast out by a new boss who has changed strategy.

The ‘game of thrones’ of an all change at the top of various organisations junks millions of pounds/dollars worth of development every few years.  It’s heartbreaking and can derail careers overnight.  Not I hope mine!  So the walk helped me focus on the stuff that’s going right which is the case in another part of our development. 

Ah well making TV has certainly got more challenging even as the market grows. 

Other than that, a busy day in the barn and as V now teaches on Wednesdays I had to field callers such as the chimney sweep,  who gave me a detailed report that I instantly forgot because I was marvelling that someone so young had a genuine Hampshire accent rather the usual Portsmouth Estuary English twang- V will have to call for instructions. 

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