Warebeth (Day 2700)

Off to Harray this morning to deal with a boiler which needed a new pump. After removing the pump from the boiler, I zoomed off to town to collect a new one, then back to the job to get it fitted.
Home for lunch and a wander with Sigyn, then out to Stromness to have a look at a faulty kitchen tap. Typically neither of the ones in the van suited, so there was another trip to town to collect a replacement.
Back home I realised I had left my notebook, which serves as my brain cell, in Stromness. Back through to Stromness to collect it, and since it was a nice evening, I took a trip to the horses where I snapped a pic of Warebeth beach. George and I spent a while taking selfies to send to  my beautiful wife. My favourite is an extra pic today.

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