Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Goodbye Lecce, we loved it!

It was so good to get the taxi right to the airport, rather than a train to Bari and then an airport train. It would have been even better if my seat belt worked. The driver didn’t wear one either. I will be writing to the Tourist Information to complain (again).

Also, the driver had the local radio on… at times it was quite low, and at times, when the reception was ‘better’ it was LOUD. I say better, but one cannot say the crackling sound coming out was ‘good reception’. And it was constant inane shouty gabblings, interspersed with screechy pop muzak, the kind of fare heard on local radio stations the world over, but in a foreign language.

I had a polite sentence typed into ‘Google translate’ asking him to please switch it off (after all, we were paying plenty for the use of his van), but as we hurtled along the motorway at high speed, there was no way I could just tap him on the shoulder and show him my phone screen request - I feared he might veer off the road in fright. So I put up with it.

However, the airport wasn’t too busy, we got through security easily and had a coffee and croissant while waiting for the flight.

Back home, and it’s raining - even more rain tomorrow. We picked Archie up, and while he was quite pleased to see us, I think Pip was even more pleased! 

It’s been great to go away on holiday and have Archie looked after by people he knows. I haven’t taken any photos today, so here’s our favourite wee cafe, where we would have gone for breakfast had there been enough time.

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