Family Ghost

By PhilDockerill

Ding dong ...

Not much of interest to blip about from a day in the office apart from nearly embarrassing myself and losing a client. I was expecting a call from somebody who is something of a practical joker. When the phone rang and I answered it to somebody called Igor who has a thick russian accent, how was I to guess he was genuine. Fortunately I played along for sufficient time to work out he was a referral from a person I'd previously coached through some exams - eek!

Anyway, I can thing of no connection between that and this picture apart from something along the lines of, this is me giving you a (blue) bell. Blippers have mentioned Bluebells a lot in the last few days and these are from my garden. I've never planted any so they must have been there for generations. There are some white ones too, but they aren't ready yet.

Somebody did a great blip the other day explaining how you knew if the plants were native or hybrid. If you see it could you add a link? Also, could white one's be natural or have they been interefered with genetically?

Larger is nice.

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