
By Sproutling

294 Days Old

I am smiling at older sibling here,
I am not talking to parent 2 as he has been out since 3am,
He was out with a friend picking up Kid Kash from heathrow,
and didn't return till 4pm!! How dare he not be here,
I don't like it if one parent isn't here,
I need them both here or I grump and sulk till one returns!!

One another note, breakfast between older sibling and I,
consisted of most the contents of the kitchen cupboards::
1 bag prawn crackers,
3 slices of toast,
a cereal bar each,
a yoghurt each,
Glass/bottle milk,
and a load biscuits...!

Have I told you, how they don't really feed us?! I am a growing boy you know, need to be feed every hour to keep up with my appetite!

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