Cold, wet & windy

What a horrible day! Before we even got out of bed this morning, we could hear the wind and rain battering on the window. Fortunately, I managed to get my 'first thing in the morning play/walk' completed before it started raining again but OMG it was cold. In fact, it was so cold that when we came home, we had to put the heating on, and Ann had to put a sweater and her fluffy slippers on.

For those of you who read our BLIP yesterday, you will know that we have a problem with our car.................. a flashing red oil can popped up on the dashboard and as neither of the two local mechanics that we phoned bothered to call back, Ann contacted her ex-boss, Steve, for help. Fortunately for us, Steve now employs an ex-mechanic so he said he would have a look at it for us. We waited for it to stop raining, drove the 5 mins to Steve's by which time it was absolutely chucking it down, so we got extremely wet on the 20 min walk home. And because since then the rain has been torrential the mechanic has his normal work to do hasn't managed to look at it yet, so we've left it there until tomorrow when our lying weather app says it's going to be dry.

And for the rest of the day, it has just rained and rained and rained and rained. Every so often I ask to go out onto the sun terrace, but I don't stay out there for long. The only good thing about all this rain is................ our parking post that Ann re-painted yesterday is waterproof. Yay!  She did the lettering with a permanent marker, and she wasn't convinced that 'permanent' meant 'permanent' but it obviously does. Phew!!

Oh, and the other thing my human has done today is.................. complete her tax return. Yay! She's just got to check it over tomorrow and then submit it, so that's a really good job done on a rainy day.

…................And it's 5.30pm now. We have the heating on, and we have the lights on and it's still raining. I got taken into the field for a play a couple of hours ago and Ann says if it stops raining, she might take me for a little trek about town. If it doesn't stop raining, I won't be going out until it's time for my bedtime wee?!!

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