Living my dream

By Mima

Spot the difference

Bean bounced out of the undergrowth on our walk this afternoon proudly wearing one very muddy paw. I didn’t know there was water anywhere in the vicinity.

To my great excitement cheese- and yoghurt-making kits arrived in today’s post. I have attempted home-made yoghurt using flasks and crockpots over the years, with inconsistent results. But I was inspired by MrsMacdub to pull my finger out and do it properly.

It was also her descriptions of home cheese-making which inspired me to invest in the cheese kit. It is an idea I’ve flirted with for decades but never done anything about.

It feels like my birthday. (Which it isn’t.) I shall set aside a morning at the weekend and get stuck into some dairy creations.

It’s been a glorious day, reaching 24C mid-afternoon. I finished sowing the courgettes and squashes, then took time off and had a lovely long outdoor bath. The birds are full-voiced at the moment and serenaded me as I soaked.

It would have been a good deal more relaxing had the new anti-slip bath mat I just bought actually stuck to the bath. As it was it kept rising up from the depths like Nessie every time there was a current. Useless.

Fellow Kiwis will understand that I should have known better than to buy it at the store where we all get a bargain. I didn’t get one…

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