Blue skies

I haven't had my camera for the past two days as my son needed to borrow it for his Digital Art GCSE, so my daughter's iPhone came to the rescue today.

Beth only had one lesson at school today, so after I picked her up we went into town to do some holiday clothes shopping and to send off the paperwork for my son's passport. The clothes shopping was successful, but I took the passport to the Post Office to do 'check & send' and they said that the photo needs countersigning. I'm not sure though, he obviously looks older than he did in his passport 5 years ago, but I still think you can tell that it's the same person. They commented on the fact that his hair is darker now.... surely most kids hair gets darker over the years!!!! So I either have to find someone to sign or post it and take my chances.

Looking forward to the long weekend and hopefully great weather :)

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