Mother Shipton

By MotherShipton

Rain rain rain

it was heavy rain today. It was also my day off and I did not have hundreds of jobs so I went to the woods despite the rain. I needed some peace.

I had a lovely wet walk and ended up at this waterfall, I have blipped it before here when the weather was very dry. Now it looks very different and I could not get as near because of the spray but also I could not walk in the burn as it was too high.

The waterfall is a well kept secret, about 20ft high and if I was not carrying my camera I could walk behind it. You can just about see the space behind caused by the rock over hang. Maybe one day I will see it at an inbetween stage and then I can blip from behind the water. That will be good. If you have time to look at some other shots of it taken today see here and I would be interested on which you like best

Enjoy your holiday weekend blipper friends.

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