Allotment 2022 onwards

By misetak

A wander about the site.

I finally got to the allotment in the early evening and caught sight of these amazing raised beds as I drove in, so popped along to have a quick look while it was still light.  The apple was at least 5 inches across and growing on the same plot as an espalier - I might try the espalier idea at some point in the future.
I walked back to my plot and saw that sky, but then I had to get on with some digging, which continued until it was too dark to see the bindweed roots.
The extra is to demonstrate that they made  toys well in the olden days. I spent part of the afternoon sorting through a box from the loft.  These belonged to our girls when they were very little (definitely shorter than me).  These are well over 30 years old and are still in good nick, so going to one of our great nieces next month.

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