Weald & Downland Museum

Early start for us as we had to be there around 8.45 so that we could get in and set up before the public arrived.
We set up and then went over to the cafe for a free bacon roll and coffee.
I think there were around 30 organs there sizes from little ones like ours to big ones like the other one on the picture. Those of you who see Repair Shop will know the chap who repairs organs and That is the owner of the other one pictured. It looks as if the repair shop is setting up for Christmas shows.
We have had a lovely day they also gave us a packed lunch and lots of people came to listen and asked questions.
We got back to the caravan around 5. 
I had a bit of a problem at the end of the day the connection between the con rod and bellows broke it won’t take long to fix when I get home 
Been a lovely sunny day but not too hot

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