Day 34 - Safely Home

Thankfully the North Sea wasn’t too choppy though I had a Stugeron and wine so was into my bunk by 10pm, 9 UK time, which meant I’d had my 6 hours at 3am. After that I listened to the remaining podcasts I had downloaded.

We docked 45 minutes late as a cruise ship was trying to turn itself round to dock so we had to stay out of the harbour walls till we got permission to enter. The blip is Tynemouth Priory taken as we entered the mouth of the Tyne. We we so lucky - we were third vehicle off and first through Border Control.

Mr C managed to remember to drive on the left. We called in at Morrisons Morpeth to fuel up and buy an Observer, having missed out on yesterday’s Guardian. There was a piece in it about the Executive Director of Waitrose - by coincidence #2 daughter is off with his wife and 2 other Uni friends this weekend.

We got the van unloaded and I had 2 lots of washing hung out before we headed off down to the surgery for our flu jabs. For once I was grateful that Mr C always has to be early for things - it meant we were in time to get our Covid boosters - they were down to the last 5 they had been allocated with no news of when they’d get more.

What a trip we have had. It won’t be till I start culling my photos that I will assimilate it all. We only had a vague plan - see Jan in Sweden en route to the Lofotens and Trollstigen. Planning day be day, we found so much of interest to see and do. My only regret is that we rushed up Sweden too quickly. This was because we hadn’t realised the roads would be so good and the ferries frequent so driving in Norway was was speedier than anticipated.
It’s been fantastic. We drove 4,802 miles.

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