High flying clouds

I've been trying to sell my banjo that I bought a while ago. I never spent the time to learn it and it really needed to go to a good home. I was contacted by someone interested and we met today halfway between our locations. He is a beginning learner and wanted a banjo to grow into to. He was such a nice guy and so excited to get the banjo. It made me really happy to see it go to someone who will really use it. Dan and I drove over and on the way home stopped at the local Quill's End farm where Dan buys his whole raw milk from their farm store attached to their house. This is the extra. I don't get there much and it's a nice look into a small dairy and how they make their living. They also sell cheeses and yogurt. This is where we get our pork from too. Sometimes they will have goat milk and I will indulge in that.
When we got home the cirrus clouds looked so beautiful. The winds have been strong and maybe blowing them around a bit. I have done a little editing to emphasize the clouds.

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