Boy is 18

Boy here is 18. It feels like he’s been 18 for quite a while but now he really is. :-)

He’s such a good one. He’s had to make a stand for what’s right when it’s not been easy and he’s faced challenges head on - challenges I might have wished he hadn’t had but they’ve made him stronger emotionally and spiritually.

He really loves his family and it was nice to read what his brothers and sisters and in-laws wrote in his cards.

So it was early up for a cooked breakfast which was all the more lush for being a team effort. Then he hopped off to work at the Emirates purely because he wanted to see the Arsenal ladies playing thrashing Spurs.

He then came home to throw a rugby ball around with Dot.T and with PuddleDuck and DougsJB arriving as well, spent some time with presents before having a Five Guys takeaway. He then headed off out into London to meet his bestie.

We’ve missed not having HatBox and SkyeMan around because they’re not well, but hopefully they’ll join us tomorrow for a full house.

I think NoaNoa has had a good 18th birthday.

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