Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


"No more meetings, no more discussions, no more Sollozzo tricks. You give 'em one message: I want Sollozzo. If not, it's all-out war: we go to the mattresses."


Actually someone did declare war today. The gangster tories Truss and Kwarteng slashed taxes for the rich and the Home Secretary told the police to stop with all this equality and diversity nonsense. They really are a mafia.

Another busy day in the home office. I’m trying to be strategic, but the NHS at the moment is like crewing a boat that’s shipping water and all the officers are doing is handing out colour brochures about the next exciting cruise destination. 

The Dizzle took his bed to his flat, hence the mattress being loaded into a hire van. That really made us feel like empty nesters for a moment. 

We have a visitor for three nights, from Australia. A distant cousin who is touring the UK, although she has a bad back and has to take it slowly. Very brave to travel down from Manchester and looked exhausted when she got here. We put Operation Healing House into play and gave her tea and a comfy seat.

Did Friday night dinner then I stayed up for a while after everyone had gone to bed watching Stranger Things. Still on Season 3 so catching up. Then headed to the mattress myself …

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