
By NightOwl45


I’ve already tried to upload my entry twice tonight with no success! Here goes my third and final attempt as I’m exhausted.

Today I awoke in a lot of pain and had to cancel two appointments - one was a fringe trim and one was for my (very long overdue) Covid booster jag. I have been in too much pain and fatigue to attend. Very frustrating. I will try to get both done next week.

I was very shocked and saddened to hear the news of the author Hilary Mantel’s passing this morning. I have read a couple of her books and immensely enjoyed them. She will leave a wonderful literary legacy.

I changed my vitamins today as I stupidly bought a new brand last week which has Evening Primrose Oil in, which can diminish the efficiency of my fibromyalgia medication so had to replace them today. Should have checked beforehand!

I’ve been taking vitamins since I was 18 and am approaching 41. I don’t think they do anything for my fibromyalgia symptoms but they certainly seem to help my hair and skin. 

People often think I am much younger looking than my age, which I’m grateful for as I don’t believe in Botox and fillers, even if I could afford them! I prefer natural ageing and looking after yourself from the inside out.

I had to pick up some food this afternoon as the fridge was all but empty and popped in on a friend for coffee and a catch up on the way there as my legs were stiff and I needed some movement.

I picked up a copy of Grazia magazine as a treat. I don’t buy many magazines but I love Grazia as it is a perfect balance of beauty, fashion and current affairs. It’s the Big Fashion Edition which is published annually, I always look forward to it.

It was lovely to see my friend, it was a good distraction from my pain. She kindly took my Blip photo for me today.

This afternoon, I tidied away a parcel of beauty products which arrived in the post yesterday afternoon, another beauty giveaway win. I was delighted with them as they are all expensive products which I could never afford on my budget.

SPF50 capsules, a lip gloss, a body scrub and a herbal shampoo for sensitive scalps. Feeling very grateful and lovely additions to my growing beauty products collection and best of all, free!

I made a cheese and pineapple salad for dinner this evening followed by a shop bought chocolate pot for dessert.

Resting now and hoping to be able to stay awake to watch one of my favourite programmes, The Last Leg on Channel 4 at 11pm. It’s on an hour later tonight.

Thanks for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts :) I will reply to your comments ASAP.

I read a beautiful poem on Facebook this morning which really spoke to me. I will share it below, hope you enjoy reading it too:

“Why are you so nice
even to people 
who are rude to you?”

“Because I, too, have been rude
to nice people,
and I know that rudeness
comes from a place of a roaring pain
and only kindness soothes it.”
- by The Word

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