
By KCNQ2Haiku

Misty morning

Autumn morning mists.
Water rising up from stones
through hazy sunbeams. 

As always, busy day.  Ben's cold is in full flow but he says he feels better and was keen to go to school, so that's such a win.  The note in his book at the end of the day said he'd been great. 

I popped into town to get a few first aid bits for Ben, he bangs his hands together in a stimming sort of way and it means his knuckles get really cut and sore sometimes.  It comes in waves, sometimes he does it and sometimes it just stops.  If we put gloves etc on he just chews them and they get really soggy so it's a tricky one.  I even bought some archery finger guards once, trying to be creative but they just got chewed.  Hopefully this phase passes soon. 

I also took his broken glasses into the opticians.  It was the result of whatever the upset was in food tech yesterday.  Still didn't get to the bottom of that.  Opticians say it'll be at least a week.  Apparently he's not eligible for a second pair on the NHS, which given his conditions and behaviours I think is a bit rubbish.  Fortunately I had bought him a cheap pair online in anticipation of this, so he does have a spare pair but I still think I might dig into what he's entitled to.

Swung into the local gardens as the light was so lovely and I was hoping for a blip! The dappled sun was exquisite, underneath the tree cover (where it was all damp) the light was just warming everything up and it was actually steaming.  Much fun!

I had a weird Tesco delivery that hadn't incorporated all the changes I had made yesterday, according to the driver everyone was in the same boat today.  Useful to know it wasn't us being daft.. but still annoying.

Mr KCNQ2Haiku and I managed to pop for a quick lunch, it was really lovely.  The weather has been outstanding today, we sat outside and everything! But it was very quick, he's been having a nightmare work day with everything going wrong, so he was very much 'on call'.  

Nice that it's the weekend, older teen is out with friends tonight, so he's happy but he rest of us are tired and ready for bed I think!

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