Wild West
Off to Glasgow for a day of committee and governor meetings. Set off in pouring rain and looked set in for the day, but as it turned out much nicer later in the day I ended up having to peel off layers for the second time this week, this time in a loo!
I had a couple of interruptions with phone calls from the district nurse who had found P on the floor when she went round to change a dressing. She said he seemed unhurt but she’d called an ambulance and they’d be 6 hours so could I come and sit with him… Long story but we eventually organised for the careers to help her get him back to bed when they arrived. I’d have thought a specialist bed like this would have had adequate guard rails, but clearly not. Phoned the falls team to ask for an updated assessment of what equipment he needs, ordered some long bolster block things to lie down each side of the bed until something more permanent is provided, and ordered a camera for the room so we can be checking to see he’s ok and talk to him or call for help if required. We can install it tomorrow so I won’t feel so helpless whilst in Australia.
Was amused to see this cafe as I walked from the station ….I wondered initially if it’s name was because it’s close to the conservatoire, aka Fame Academy, but of course my Duolingo kicked in and I soon recognised it as being Italian for hunger!
Uneventful train home with only two phone calls about P, then straight to a nail appointment (back to a bright colour as I’m heading for spring and (I hope!) sunshine) then up to Bruntsfield to meet CB for a catch up. Lots to talk about! We bumped into FM and GY on their way to a concert, and the sky was looking lovely as I headed home across the meadows (extra). More packing and panicking a bit whilst A baked and made supper and we chatted about their move and P and etc. Just remembered to put my passport in now….think it’s time I went to bed!
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