Trevalgan and Rosewall Hill

Today's big long walk took us up Trevalgan and Rosewall Hill. It also took us through a lot of fields and we had to climb over a lot of stiles. When Ann lived here permanently, stiles didn't bother her. She climbed over them with ease. In fact towards the end of MollyCollie's life she actually had to lift Molly over stiles (see here) because Molly had no bounce to jump over them. I've got loads of bounce so I jump over them in super quick time. Ann has NO bounce and she struggles to get over some of them. Having said that, when we're in Edinburgh we can only think of one walk that we go on when there is one stile so she's obv out of practice. Haven't a clue how many stiles we went over today.................... but it was a lot!!!

Having said that, we had a lovely 5 mile walk this morning and when we got to the top of both hills we could see for miles.

We've not done much this afternoon. In fact since we came back to St Ives we've not done much at all. Usually Ann has quite a few jobs to do and quite a lot of shopping to do, to stock up on items like toilet rolls/cleaning materials for the next couple of months of lets, but she pretty much got all that done in the first few days. So now she can just sit back and relax but she gets bored if she has nothing to do?!!

This afternoon while I was snoozing, she brought our parking post into the house (which has our house name and number on it) and scrapped off all the old flaking paint and painted a first coat of background paint onto it. Tomorrow she will paint another coat of paint on it. What exciting lives we live? We LOVE our parking post. It's not a proper parking post and if anyone seriously wanted to park in our space, they could just lift it up and throw it out the way. But it's a deterrent. And living in St Ives, you have no idea how useful it is. Parking spaces here sell for more than £50,000. The number of people who try to park in our space is ridiculous, so having a parking post which someone actually has to physically move before parking............... and I quote.............. 'Oh I was just dropping stuff off/visiting a sick relative/picking up the linen/cleaning a holiday let/keeping an eye out for when you came back and needed your space My human needs it all the time!!!! and so the excuses go on & on & on. Grrrrrrr................ My human bought a property with a parking space 20 years ago. It's hers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and while we're having a bit of a RANT.................... the other thing my human did this afternoon while I was having a snooze was make a chicken casserole. It's just about to go into the oven. It has chicken, onions and mushrooms in it. It also has a can of condensed mushroom soup in it, which involved opening the can of soup, which involved using a tin opener. …............What is it with visitors and tin openers????..................... Practically every time we come back here my human has to buy a new tin opener and a new potato peeler and new baking trays but that's another rant!!! Its rusty, it's blunt and it just generally doesn't work very well?! Obviously my human must live on another planet?!! We've been back in our St Ives home for 11 days and she hasn't actually used the tin opener yet. We don't eat a lot of stuff out of tins?!!! BUT that's why we like to come here every few months and actually use everything so that we know that everything is in tiptop condition for our guests.

Note to my human's self......................... Even though my human has drunk a lot of wine in the last 11 days, she hasn't actually drunk a bottle of wine that needed the corkscrew to be used. Guess she's going to have to rectify that soon, because we'd hate our very good Guest rating experience to go down because we don't have a working corkscrew????!!!!!

And now it's raining and it's dark so we've got the lights on. I had a play in the field about an hour ago and now I'm having another little snooze. My dinner's out for me but I'm still a bit sleepy.

Happy Thursday Evening Peeps. xxxx

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