Heading home (Day 2694)

My plan to get the bathroom re-fit finished today came to a grinding halt this morning shortly after I arrived at the job. Whether it was a mistake by the supplier, a misunderstanding between the customer and the supplier or whatever other reason, the wrong shower screen had been supplied. The customer is adamant that she hadn't asked for the screen which was supplied, the supplier says the customer was given what she asked for. Frustratingly I was left as piggy in the middle again.
I can't remember the last time I was supplied with a bathroom suite which was all correct when it was delivered. I am reasonably sure that I am very good at my job, and can make a bathroom look really good, but I am getting to the stage where I don't want to do another bathroom. It is just too stressful.
I cleared out of the re-fit this morning and, while waiting for an update on the screen, I headed to Orphir to sort a boiler fault.
Home for lunch, then a wander with Sigyn. It was good to get out in the sunshine, and despite the strong wind it was warm enough to be out in just a T shirt.
Back home for a brief blether with  my beautiful wife before she zoomed off to work, then I headed to town to talk to my supplier before a trip to Burray to sort out a broken washing machine valve.
With luck, the correct shower screen will be delivered in the morning. I won't be holding my breath waiting for it to arrive...

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