All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Walking the tightrope

Ethan and I had a busy Thursday today.

Took Zoe to the vet. She has had a thyroid condition for a few years now which I sporadically give her medication for and she was due a 6 month check up. Heartrate still very fast and she's still very thin but hasn't lost any significant weight since last check up, which is reassuring. She's 16 now though so here's hoping she makes it through to the next 6 month check up!

Quick trip to Argos to buy a birthday pressie, bottle bank, then up to my friend Lisa's house for Ethan to have a playdate with her daughter Lucinda. Lunch there then back home for 1/2 hour before heading into Edinburgh for a haircut.

It must have been a long hour and a half for Mandy the hairdresser while we were there cos the whole conversation between her and Ethan was "bus, Mandy, green bus, Airport bus, double decker bus, no Mandy, that's a coach not a bus, another airport bus" etc etc etc! Mandy joined in very well though I have to say!

Ethan was a real lifewire once we got home though and started really acting up once Granny and Grandpa arrived. They ended up taking him to the playpark at 7pm just to try to get him to calm down as he clearly had lots of energy left!

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