
You should definitely read Kate’s journal and you should absolutely see her pictures. 

It was a fantastic day. 

I found Kate in the airport. We acted like action heroes, solving multiple problems and then transporting our way too heavy suitcases to the rental car.

The Blue Lagoon was amazing. We went at 9 am and it was not crowded, but it was much more full by the time we left so I recommend you go early or late and I do recommend you splurge and go. It was so relaxing and buoyant that I wanted to lay on my back and float but then remembered that if you get your hair wet the minerals will mess it up. Fortunately Kate brought special shampoo that saved it. 

You wouldn’t believe how soft my skin is now. I don’t believe it. 

The lunch in the attached Lava Restaurant was terrific. Also, I know now what caramelized onions are supposed to be like. We had wonderful things I’ve never had before. 

Then we went and learned that our cases were heavy for a very good reason. You really must have every layer imaginable. It really will go from torrential rain to gorgeous sunshine in the space of an hour. 

BLACK sheep!
Waves crashing onto lava cliffs.
Iceland is stunning.
Tomorrow look for an eyesore. If it were in Iceland it would be photogenic.

Everything was so beautiful that I literally began laughing in the rain.  

In the extra is a picture that shows what you look like when you wash your hair and then go out in the rain and wear a hoodie. 

No aurora borealis tonight which is a really good thing because we’re really tired.

Also, I know the most important thing is everyone wants to know how my cooking was received - with pleasure and grace. 

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