
By Farmerboab

The one that got away......

A day spent baling the last field of silage.
Kev and Duncan carting.
Nothing decent on the radio,I can't think why,so thanks to the wonders of a radio with a CD player in my tractor,spent the day with everything from AC/DC to The Specials.
Only had 2 rows of grass left when everything went pear shaped. A big bang and a puff of burning rubber belts as 2 rollers in the baler back door sheared off
Bugger .
Managed to get my friendly contractor to come in and bale the last 3 bales.
So,silage baled,baler broken, and not a bad days work over all.
Watched some of the Queen's funeral on the news at night. Was very impressive. Britain does know how to put on a show . Was fine until they showed a shot of the corgis !
This bale took off down the field,jumped the electric wire,flattened the fence and landed in the wood. The fence posts were rotten any way so it sprang back up ok.
It will just need to stay there now,can't reach it with the loader. It will give the vermin something to look at.

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