New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Poor village view

Another pretty non descript day.  A starling was posing rather beautifully on the top of the neighbours house this morning, but alas by the time I'd got the camera and the big lens out it had moved on.  P is at college so I nipped out for another wee ride after work - got more flavoured milk (it's delicious) and didn't take the big camera. I wish I had as I got some unusual views of Ben Lomond and also the drama flats down the the valley, but the phone doesn't nearly do any of them justice.  I do love how Ben Lomond looms over everything for miles around - big sis could even see it in Edinburgh last week!

I started re-listening to Serial yesterday after finding out that the guy it was about was released from prison.  Like pretty much everyone, Serial was the first ever podcast I listened to and it's still good, but hasn't aged as well as I thought. Still an interesting story and I still don't know if the guy did it or not.  It's been a bit of a week for going over old stuff, I've be re-listening to music I liked as a teenager and it's always interesting to see what still holds up to my more mature ears.  3 Colours Red didn't cut the mustard and I couldn't make it through a whole album despite the nostalgia factor.  Really funny seeing the pictures of all the peopleyou thought were really cool as a teen and just thinking that they look like babies now.  The joys of getting old.

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