We did find a Well

We were in Canterbury this afternoon. We could have been to the Cathedral, we could have wandered through the quaint streets, we could have walked the Walls or by the river. All of these things we have done in the past, but today we did none of them.

- went for a Covid jab at a walk-in centre (having missed the session at our own Medical Centre)
- found an M&S Food Hall close by for a little shopping
- found a Peugeot garage along the road where a very helpful young man showed Gordon how to reset the tyres or something after the new one yesterday 

And we found a Well

Leper’s Well or Black Prince’s Well, Harbledown

The water from the well was noted as being able to cure leprous ailments and that is most likely why a leper hospital was built close by in 1084. It is said that the Black Prince visited twice looking for a cure. A carved stone above the well depicts the Black Prince’s coat of arms - three feathers.

The well has also been named after Thomas Becket because this would have been the place where pilgrims making for  Canterbury might  have had their first view of the Cathedral and this would have been a final watering hole before they made their last steps to the great shrine. 

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