The world returned to normality this morning, perhaps with the honourable exception of the newspapers with some excellent reporting and photos of yesterday's events - the sheer number of people all watching at the same time on the different TV channels was enormous. And the King seems to have gone to Balmoral, which seems to me an excellent plan.
We too began to pick up the pieces left strewn around us yesterday. I had my art class in the morning, and was aware that I felt a great deal better after it than I had struggling to get out to it. I spent an enjoyable 90 minutes doing the kind of geometry required when you're dealing with scaling down an image and setting up vanishing points - something I haven't done for 60 years or more. It was absorbing and challenging and just great fun.
Then, in another re-jigging of life brought about by the bank holiday yesterday, Himself collected me and we hightailed it round the Holy Loch to Kilmun Village Hall to get our combined Covid booster and Flu jags, one in each arm so that they could tell which was causing any reaction we might have. I realised later that I'd made the wrong choice: I chose my left arm for the flu jag, which the nurse said had been causing fewer reactions than the Moderna on; a couple of hours later I realised I had a hard, hot, itchy sore lump on the left - my preferred sleeping side. Bad move.
After a short, recuperative walk along the loch road we were home to eat, collapse, and go out to choir - a strange but enjoyable rehearsal with only 4 rather than the usual 8 singers for a variety of reasons. And now? Yes: I'm going to have toast (a loaf I made this morning) and marmalade and watch Michael Palin.
Blipping the view of Kilmun Pier and the Holy Loch from the garden of the Younger Hall in Kilmun while I waited for Himself; we have some lovely if incongruous venues for such things round here. The hall itself is in the extra.
Horrid thought: If we're both lying on our backs tonight it's going to be noisy. We both snore on our backs ...
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