Place: St Pete Beach, FL 73/90
Main activity: Tues - moving, errands, pool
Notes: Already wrote this once and then the browser closed and lost it. Went for 7a jog, 8a took load to Casa and then on to Bette's. Unloaded her stuff, did several chores around the house and then got an order from Casa del Pane for her (and a tomato, basil, fresh mozzarella on croissant for me!) - should've gotten a pic there as it's a great little place but didn't think of it. Went to the pool, back for lunch, did a load of laundry, talked to Mom & Al and then back to pool for little longer. Saw some of my fav birds nearby! More cleaning up and packing the rest of the day. Heard from Joe and got to catch up. 

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